Our Solutions
Nous disposons dune panoplie de solutions et de technologies qui nous permettent les meilleures performances dans les projets de transformation digitale.

The purpose of e-Document application is to electronically manage and track the documents flows circulating within a company.
Thanks to its genericity, the Workflow engine of e-Document makes it possible to automate the routing of everything flow as long as its design, routing and management rules have been defined in advance.
e-Document will be used by companies that already have defined procedures and aims to automate them, but also companies that seek to define work procedures to perfect its organization and progresses.
e-Document is distinguished by its management of all types of documents and letters: physical, email, fax, electronic …
Solutions IBM
Cloud Pak for Integration
Accelerate work
Harness built-in AI across the integration life-cycle.
Continuous improvement
Utilize real-world operational data to continuously improve integrations.
Targeted choice
Use multiple integration styles together across any cloud.
Reduce risk
Improve workload and operational efficiency while adhering to security and compliance policies.
IBM Softwares
Frequently Used IBM Software
IBM FileNet Content Manager
IBM FileNet P8 solution is an ECM/BPM platform natively offering a set of services for:
- Content Management (IBM FileNet Content Engine)
- Process management (IBM FileNet Process Engine)
- IBM Infosphere Record Management
- Management of integration with existing IS and business applications already in place place or to come.
IBM DB2 Content Manager
IBM Content Manager manages all types of content scanned for a large number of platforms, databases and applications.
Based on a multi-level distributed architecture, it is scalable enough to be able to go from ‘a single service to an entire company geographically dispersed.
IBM Business Process Manager
IBM Business Process Manager Industry Packs accelerates and improves the distribution of standardized solutions for the banking, healthcare and telecommunications industries. Each pack is industry-specific and provides a pre-configured set of assets for the IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) software. You can develop these assets to meet the specific needs of your business and implement a policy of consistency and reuse.
IBM Connections
IBM Connections is a social software for the enterprise that offers a collaborative environment to businesses of all sizes. It gives you access to all members of your professional network, including your colleagues, customers and partners. Your networks become communities that help you recognize information, develop and refine ideas, and collaborate to get business results faster.
IBM OnDemand Content Manager
IBM OnDemand Content Manager manages all types of digitized content for a large number of platforms, databases and applications.
Based on a multi-level distributed architecture, it is scalable enough to pass of a single service to a whole company geographically dispersed.
IBM Business Rule Management Systems
Build and deploy analytical decision support applications based on optimization technology.
IBM ILOG ODM Enterprise is a highly efficient enterprise platform for the development and deployment of analytical planning and scheduling solutions based on optimization and targeting the decision makers of the company.
Contact us
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Bureau B 5-1
Le Cercle des Bureaux building,
Centre Urbain Nord, 1003 Tunis
Working hours
M-F: 8h00 – 16h30
S-S: Off
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(+216) 70 033 193